“Look Out!” 5 Uncommon Road Signs Every Beginner should Know about

Road Signs

Now that you’re done with driving school and have gotten that license, it’s time to hit the open road and go on an adventure to wherever there is asphalt! Or not.

Before you put the pedal to the metal, you’ve got ensure that essential components such as the tires, engine, and U-bolts are in prime condition. And if you’re a beginner driver, you’d want to be familiar with uncommon road signs that are more important that you’d think. Take a slow ride in this crash course – you’re going to need it.

No Overtaking

No Overtaking

Anyone who has commuted through the streets of the Philippines cannot deny how common overtaking is in this congested country. If not for this rarely seen sign, people would have forgotten that there are a lot of instances where this dangerous practice is in violation of the law.

Whether it’s because the area is to narrow, is accident-prone, or simply prohibits the act, your immediate response should be to follow. After all, a few seconds of tailing behind a slow car is better than ending up in jail, or worse – the hospital.

Road Narrows

Road Narrows

A big, wide, open highway – it’s going to stretch out that way until eternity, right? Well, when you see this sign, don’t count on it. And when you do, make sure to get closer to the middle of the road, lest you get dashed by whatever is in the way a few miles ahead.

Road Under Construction

Road Under Construction

No, this doesn’t involve a guy pouring something on the ground or making sandcastles. What this sign actually means is that the road, or even roads, that you want to pass through is currently being repaired, so it’s better for you to turn around and find another route. Don’t even think about waiting; it’s going to take you a week or two at best.

Railroad Crossing

Railroad Crossing

If you think that the only trains in the Philippines are MRT and the two lines of LRT, then you’ve overlooked one of the biggest and oldest train lines in the country – the Philippine National Railway. It’s commonly overlooked and forgotten, so accidents involving this railway, be it pedestrians or motorists, happen quite often. Therefore, if you don’t want to be sent to the hospital and your car to the scrapyard, be on guard when you see this sign.

Gas Station

Gas Station

Of course, not all road signs are prohibitions or warnings; there are also those that signal places. While the Hospital, School, and Parking Lot signs are quite common, the Gas Station sign – not so much. So when you’re running on low and see this sign, chances are you’re going to let out a sign of relief because it’s time to gas up and get back on the road.

These are just a few examples, so don’t think you’re the savviest guy out there if you speed through the streets. However, with these tidbits of roadside knowledge, you’ll have a lot of safer travels.

