Body Kits Before & After: Which Looks Better?

Volkswagen Beetle

Steel tubes aren’t the only parts renewed in the upgrade of car models; there are of course the mechanisms, features, and body kits. Most of the times, the upgrades are well-loved by the market, but there are still moments where the appreciation doesn’t show. Although the case isn’t so for engine or interior upgrades, it does happen with body kit overhauls.

Sure, cars can be repainted and tagged, even smashed against walls, since we’re talking about overhauls. But auto developers worked well on their babies to present us with winners. The least we can do is appreciate the craftsmanship. So shall we? And let’s see which of a model’s body kits is better: before or after?

Classic Beetle

Volkswagen Beetle

Did you know that the iconic bubble came from humble origins? With Volkswagen translating to “the people’s car”, Hitler envisioned it to be cheap wheels, full with function, for his people. Yes, our favorite dictator Hitler was behind the birth of the Volkswagen. He worked with Porsche visionary Ferdinand Porsche regarding the whole design. Cool, huh? Just wanted to share, really.

Now returning to the body kit, the Beetle maintained its basic design from 1934 to 2003. The big leap that occurred was when it released a more modern design in the late 1990s. The redesign did away with the bulky bumper and exhaust pipes to give way to a more sleek and compact casing. And while its new colors are more metallic than the vintage creamy, the Beetle still maintains its iconic round silhouette.

Regarding which is better, some would choose the old Beetle in a heartbeat. And all is owed to the vintage feel of the design.

Classic Camaro

Chevy Camaro Z28

Now although Chevrolet released a number of Camaro models ranging from Super Sport to the convertibles, the Z28 body kits are the ones more notable for their oomph. Between the 1970 and the 2013 releases of the Camaro Z28, the differences are more distinct, especially when compared with the differences of the old and new Beetles.

Both are aerodynamic designs, but the vintage body seems more cornered than the modern facelift. The difference is also in the size of the body, wherein the modernized Camaro is thicker than the older version, thus making the latter look flat. It can easily be noticed from the front end, aside from the detail that they maintained the pointed jaw of the earliest version.

A lot would prefer the modernization of their favorite car, while some would still champion the classic. Whichever is better between the two, it’s evident that the Camaro name is hunky enough to be one of the most wanted.

Mitsubishi Pajero

Mitsubishi Pajero

While the most obvious difference between the 1982 original and latest release is the latter’s quadrangular shape, also notable are the grille enhancements and the head and taillight upgrades. Added are the chrome beams that, along with the Mitsubishi emblem, pop against the dark grilles. Also significant are the headlights that are part of the bumper, as opposed to the original’s, which basically look like spotlights.

Indeed, the earliest version is more rugged in style, but the present redesign is given more details that work to present a more structured look. Does this mean that the present Pajero’s body kit is better? Well, only you can really say.

It’s undeniable that machines awe with their sheer power and performance, but the flair of their appearances invites riders just as well. Not that beauty is everything; it’s just that first impressions last.

