Insured! 4 Reasons Why Your Car Needs Insurance

October 15, 2015
A lot of accidents can happen on the road. And whenever they do, some people can only scratch their heads in regret because they failed to get something very important: car insurance. Because no matter how careful you may be when driving, untoward driving-related incidents can still occur. An insurance can make you feel secure the same way U-bolts hold together parts of your vehicle.
But why is an insurance important, especially in the event of an unexpected road mishap? Here are a few reasons.
It Covers Accident Repair Costs
Even if you don’t encounter accidents that involve other drivers, you and your car can still get into one. Falling tree or posts, rocks thrown by children on the road, you hitting a barrier due to some strange occurrence – these are some of the things that can happen to you and your ride, and repairing the damage you can get from these things can be quite hefty. With insurance, however, repair costs become significantly lesser compared to the cost you’ll have to pay without it, which is a lot.
It Helps Pay Hospital Bills
In the worst-case scenario where you get involved in a car accident and people get hurt, you will have to shoulder all the expenses, and that could mean you selling your house, car, and other assets. It could even exhaust all your funds in the bank. The good news is that a car insurance would cover those expenses, if ever you had one by the time of the presumed (but not wished) accident.
And let’s say you got hurt in a car accident and the car that hit you got away. That means you’ll be the one to shoulder your own hospital bills, which is most likely a lot. But if you have the kind of car insurance which also covers these bills if ever they happen, you’re going to spend significantly less.
It Covers Some Car Expenses
Of course, your car insurance helps you protect your car. You definitely want to protect it, as it is one of the major investments you will make in your life, not to mention that your car definitely has sentimental value for you. And since that’s the case, you’re definitely going to want to get a car insurance, as it covers the maintenance, repair, and replacement of your car should you need it.
It Lets You Pay in Installments
One of the biggest barriers that stop most people from getting car insurance is the cost of getting them. That, however, is exactly the reason why they should get car insurance. People who are afraid to spend money on car insurance should be more frightened of the higher cost they’ll have to pay because of a circumstance that they can’t avoid.
When you’re out there on the road, there are circumstances that we can’t avoid. So it’s better to be safe than sorry. With car insurance, there is comfort in knowing that you, your car, and other people are protected every time you hit the road.