8 Dangers Of Using Fake Car Parts

What are the dangers of using fake car parts?

  1. Safety hazard
  2. Inferior quality
  3. Risk of road accidents
  4. Puts other vehicles at risk
  5. Increasing emission levels
  6. False economy
  7. Faster depreciation value
  8. Can affect your warranty

Fake car parts are counterfeit replicas of manufacturer-made car parts. These are made without the consent of the original manufacturer and made with the intent of undercutting them. Since they’re priced lower (at times by a significant margin), car owners feel strongly tempted to buy them — regardless of their authenticity or quality.

But fake car parts are simply not made with the same precision and quality as original parts are. And, they are a huge liability to the user. Here are the eight dangers of using fake car parts.

Safety hazard

The biggest danger they pose is that they are a safety hazard. The fake brakes you picked up at an online store may not stop your car in time. Counterfeit tires can burst or collapse at a much faster rate than normal. Faulty oil filters may not provide a strong enough seal, causing malfunctions in your engine. Ill-fitting seatbelts and airbags may not protect you as they should in an accident. The non-authentic electrical parts you use may short circuit at any time. 

As you can see there are already plenty of reasons to steer clear of fake parts — if only to better protect you and any passengers in your car. 

Inferior quality

These fake car parts, as we mentioned, are sold at very low prices. The manufacturers that counterfeit them and sell them can offer these low prices because they compromise on materials, workmanship, and overall quality. While this allows them to sell it cheap, they are also not designed to perform at their best nor are they designed to last. 

Risk of road accidents

Risk of road accidents

The risk of having an accident on the road is drastically increased when you decide to install fake car parts. Nearly 90% of all road accidents are in part caused by fake car parts. This is because they are more prone to malfunctioning on the road — and the consequences of that happening can be severe, even leading to injury and death. 

Puts other vehicles at risk

Of course, when a road accident occurs, it often ends up affecting the vehicles around it. Everyone on the road with your car could be harmed when your car’s fake parts malfunction. When you choose to use fake parts, you may be choosing to put your fellow drivers in harm’s way as well. 

Increasing emission levels

Increasing emission levels

Because they aren’t made to be the best, fake car parts will prevent your car from working at its best. Fake parts tend to take more engine power to run as well as the original parts. As a result, your emission levels will rise. 

This is especially common when using fake exhaust system parts. They may not meet the emission regulations set by our government. So, fake parts are just as harmful to the environment as they are to their user. 

False economy

Since they’re priced so cheaply, you may be thinking you can save money by buying fake car parts. But, they may just cost you more in the long run. This is because using fake car parts tends to damage your car from the inside, causing you to spend more on frequent repairs and eventual car part replacements. You end up saving more when you buy genuine parts in the first place. 

Faster depreciation value

We mentioned that counterfeit parts can damage your car from the inside. For example, a fake spark plug that functions ineffectively will affect the performance of your engine. This results in gradual engine damage. When using any fake car parts, it contributes to a faster depreciation rate for your car — which isn’t ideal if you’re planning on selling it in a couple of years. 

Can affect your warranty

Can affect your warranty

A warranty is a written guarantee that the original manufacturer or carmaker will repair or replace faulty parts within a given period. But, this guarantee comes with many guidelines — one of them being that you don’t try to use fake car parts. Doing this will void your warranty, and prevent you from getting repair services or new parts when your car needs them. 

How do I avoid buying fake car parts?

Fake car parts are everywhere — and most times, they’re very convincing dupes. Their appearance, label, and packaging can be nearly identical to the genuine parts. If you’ve ever tried looking for replacements on your own, you may have a hard time discerning the fake ones from the real ones. 

The best way to ensure you’re getting quality, original parts is to seek the services of a professional. At Roberts, we are the OEM Automotive Assembler of carmakers like Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, and more. We follow strict compliance with the highest OEM quality standards. We guarantee all our automotive parts can deliver. 

Key Takeaway

There are many dangers of using fake car parts. So, it’s always best to stay away from using them entirely. In the long run, using original parts is the best way to ensure your car runs smoothly and safely. Need genuine spare parts? Contact Roberts today. We guarantee the best prices for 100% authentic car parts! 

