How to Fix These Common Truck Suspension Problems

December 2, 2020
The suspension system of a vehicle is essential in its functioning. If this component isn’t working properly, vehicles like cars and trucks may start to experience faster wear and tear than normal. Your truck may have difficulty navigating bumpy roads or it may appear lower in elevation compared to others. If you own a truck, you should have a good grasp of how to fix these common truck suspension problems that may occur without you knowing it.
How Can You Fix These Common Truck Suspension Problems?
Several issues with a truck’s suspension can manifest in the appearance and maneuverability of the vehicle. The most evident is when it may be parked lower unlike other trucks, or if the entire vehicle starts to become more sensitive to jagged surfaces and bumps. Read on to learn more about how to identify and diagnose these problems.
Bumpy Ride
All types of vehicles, including trucks, have been designed to provide the driver with comfort on the road. With this in mind, one tell-tale sign that there is a defect in the truck’s shock absorption or suspension system is if the driver suddenly starts feeling every single bump on the road.
The best thing to do in this type of situation is to inspect the truck’s suspension component. You’ll need to remove the wheels and inspect parts like your strut & spring system, bushings, endlinks, and the like.
If you’re not sure about what parts to check out, you could always bring your car to a servicing center and have the problem professionally identified.
Leaning Onto One Side
Unless you own a motorcycle, your truck isn’t supposed to be leaning off to one side. This is another good sign that there’s something wrong with the suspension, or the spring assembly. This problem usually appears when one side of the vehicle appears to be shorter in height compared to the other side.
You also shouldn’t discount the possibility of other problems when you’re faced with this situation. You may also want to try seeing if your tires are properly inflated. But to really rule out the possibility of other problems, it’s advisable that you cover other ground by having your chassis, struts, or springs also examined.
As with any issues that your truck might encounter, don’t let this problem prolong, as it may cause a number of safety issues and hazards that may endanger the driver.
Difficulty In Steering
There are many other problems that can be attributed to a difficulty in steering. In many cases this may be due to an inadequate amount of steering fluid. If you can pinpoint this problem out, make the necessary steps to identify the presence of a leak where the hose is located.
If the problem is suspension-related, the steering wheel may feel too tight particularly when the truck is moving at a low speed. In this case, it’s best to immediately take it to a servicing or repair shop that can assess the level of damage. Do this as soon as possible, especially if you have plans on going for a long drive, since a faulty steering wheel may affect the quality of the truck’s turns.
Key Takeaway
Bumpy truck rides, tight steering, and uneven vehicle height — if you’re wondering about how to fix these common truck suspension problems, you should first make sure that the problem is suspension-related. This is because some of the problems may actually be found in the other components.
Nevertheless, once you’ve made sure that it’s about the suspension, unless you know how to inspect your car, it’s best to take it to an auto repair shop. Do this as soon as possible to avoid any potential issues while driving the truck.